Stefano Dimartino

MSK Specialist Physiotherapist


I left sunny Italy in 2015 after graduating with a 1st Class in Sport Science (BSc Hons). I then pursued an MSc in Physiotherapy in the UK (Distinction) and I have worked in MSK ever since.

I place huge importance on continuous learning and helping others do the same, which is why I enjoy guest lecturing, and co-host a physio training platform in Italy.

Thanks to my background in sports coaching, I have fine tuned the ability to focus on my client’s specific goals and create a clear and realistic plan to achieve it!

Best Part of your job:

Helping people achieve the best (physical) version of themselves.

Where are you most likely to be found on your days off?

My wife and I own a Real Estate Company that we enjoy running in our free time.

We love to make memories with our family, visiting them all wherever they might be!

On a cloudy day, I love playing the piano and reading a good book (likely not a novel!).

How can we help you today?​